########################### Contributing to the project ########################### This document provides guidelines for people who want to contribute to the project. ************** Create tickets ************** Please use the `bugtracker`_ **before** starting some work: * check if the bug or feature request has already been filed. It may have been answered too! * else create a new ticket. * if you plan to contribute, tell us, so that we are given an opportunity to give feedback as soon as possible. * Then, in your commit messages, reference the ticket with some ``refs #TICKET-ID`` syntax. *************** Fork and branch *************** * Work in forks and branches. * Prefix your branch with the ticket ID corresponding to the issue. As an example, if you are working on ticket #23 which is about contribute documentation, name your branch like ``23-contribute-doc``. * If you work in a development branch and want to refresh it with changes from master, please `rebase`_ or `merge-based rebase`_, i.e. don't merge master. ******************************* Setup a development environment ******************************* System requirements: * `Python`_ version 2.7, available as ``python`` command. .. note:: You may use `Virtualenv`_ to make sure the active ``python`` is the right one. * make and wget to use the provided :file:`Makefile`. Execute: .. code-block:: sh git clone git@github.com:novapost/django-i18nurl.git cd django-i18nurl/ make develop If you cannot execute the Makefile, read it and adapt the few commands it contains to your needs. ************ The Makefile ************ A :file:`Makefile` is provided to ease development. Use it to: * setup the development environment: ``make develop`` * update it, as an example, after a pull: ``make update`` * run tests: ``make test`` * build documentation: ``make documentation`` The :file:`Makefile` is intended to be a live reference for the development environment. ************* Documentation ************* Follow `style guide for Sphinx-based documentations`_ when editing the documentation. ************** Test and build ************** Use `the Makefile`_. ********************* Demo project included ********************* The :doc:`/demo` is part of the tests. Maintain it along with code and documentation. ********** References ********** .. target-notes:: .. _`bugtracker`: https://github.com/novapost/django-i18nurl/issues .. _`rebase`: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Rebasing .. _`merge-based rebase`: http://tech.novapost.fr/psycho-rebasing-en.html .. _`Python`: http://python.org .. _`Virtualenv`: http://virtualenv.org .. _`style guide for Sphinx-based documentations`: http://documentation-style-guide-sphinx.readthedocs.org/